Dolly Parton
While we think it’s wonderful, there are a few rare people out there who dislike Dolly Parton’s music. But, even they have to agree that the blond country singer is beyond reproach when it comes to her conduct with her many fans.

Clearly, this talented woman works more than a “9 to 5” to treat her fans with joy, grace, and heaps of humor. Beyond her incredible voice and musical ability, her kindness is definitely why we all absolutely adore Dolly Parton.
Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen has been an integral part of the modern rock industry for nearly six decades now, and has somehow managed to remain one of the most chill and wholesome musicians out there.

And according to @RealTammy365, he really is as nice and cool as he seems. Thanks to this tweet, now we want to meet this legend! Hopefully, we’ll see you at your next concert, Springsteen!
Sigourney Weaver
From playing Ripley in the Alien franchise to her roles in Ghostbusters and Avatar, Sigourney Weaver has a special spot in many geeks’ hearts. It’s nice to know, then, that her kindness isn’t just on the screen.

We absolutely agree with this Twitter user that we all just want to be Sigourney Weaver when we grow up. But, the best thing about this story is seeing how kind and humble Weaver was toward her fan.
Willem Dafoe
Over his impressive career, Willem Dafoe has played a great many roles, running the gamut from hero to villain and everything in between. We have to be honest, though, that his most memorable characters have to be his villainous ones.

So, it makes us really happy to know that he’s such a sweetheart in real life, especially to a service worker. After all, that’s the biggest test to whether or not a person actually is kind, and it looks like Dafoe passed it with flying colors.
George Takei
Of course, the real-life actor that portrays Mr. Sulu — aka George Takei — is a sweetheart! Did anyone ever have a doubt about it?! So, we’re not surprised at all to see that interviewer Walter Foreman had such a sweet and kind interaction with the beloved actor.

It’s lovely to learn, though, that the kind-hearted George Takei has a work ethic that rivals his famed Star Trek character. So, beam us up, Scotty… we want to go meet George somewhere too!
Brendon Urie
We have to be honest — we had quite “High Hopes” from Brendon Urie. Although he writes sins (not tragedies), we were definitely hoping that under all that pop-punk, he would be a pretty wholesome dude.

Thanks to Josh on Twitter, we now know that we’re absolutely right! In fact, it looks like he was so kind that he turned this random guy into a lifelong fan — now that’s what we call star power!
Pierce Brosnan
He might have reached international fame thanks to his suave acting as Agent 007 in the James Bond franchise, but we bet at least a few younger readers mostly know him as his goofy character in the Mama Mia movies.

Judging from this wholesome encounter with journalist Rachel West, Sam Carmichael might just be closer to the actor’s actual personality and we’re all for it! While it might be cool to meet a real-life Bond, we don’t imagine it’d be super wholesome.
Anthony Bourdain
Creator and star of the successful and beloved food travel shows No Reservations and Parts Unkown, Anthony Bourdain was often dubbed the original “bad boy” of the celeb chef world.

While he was known for being quite crass and upfront, he was also incredibly sensitive and open-minded, introducing many to different cuisines and cultures from around the world. This story, shared by Marie, encompasses his most wholesome self.
Robert Pattinson
Although Robert Pattinson is famous for hating the role that shot him to fame (Edward Cullen in The Twilight Saga), it doesn’t seem that this attitude has passed on to his devoted fans.

Since Twilight, Pattinson has had quite a diverse and quirky career, often taking on strange Indie roles. All of those (and his recent stint as Batman), have proven what a talented actor he really is — which this tweet shows perfectly!
Meryl Streep
Meryl Streep is one of the most well-regarded versatile actors in the world, and for a good reason. Because from the loving, mischievous mother in Mama Mia to the scary dragon-boss-lady in The Devil Wears Prada, she’s such a good actress that we have no clue what she would be like in the real world.

So, how great is it to learn that she’s just as sweet and kind as her most darling characters? When someone so wholesome has the ability to play someone so heartless and mean, you just know they’ve got talent in spades!
Danny DeVito
Danny DeVito is an absolute treasure, and no one can convince us otherwise! Thankfully, no one’s actually trying — instead, we’ve got @illpod’s confirmation that the guy’s a total sweetheart. Looks like our childhood love of the guy is safe.

Speaking of DeVito being super wholesome, did you know that while filming Matilda, Mara Wilson’s mom got sick? DeVito and his wife, Rhea Perlman, took care of Wilson through her mom’s illness and even made sure her mom saw the finished film before she passed.
Tom Hanks
Here’s another internet favorite — of course, Tom Hanks is an absolute pleasure to interact with in public. After all, you don’t get to play Fred Rogers without being one of the most wholesome people in Hollywood.

He won over our collective hearts with Forrest Gump and has since just proven again and again that he’s worthy of our love. We just wish we could be one of those Waterstones employees so we could also be part of this lovely interaction.
Jon Bon Jovi
Did you know that beyond his incredible career as the founder and leading man of the rock band Bon Jovi, Jon Bon Jovi the person is also an actor? Well, he has acted in a few things over the years. We just thought that was a fun fact.

Anyway, we love the encounter Chuck Bonfig had with Bon Jovi. Clearly, the talented musician appreciates a bit of cool humor from his fans. This certainly made us laugh as much as Bon Jovi probably did.
Harrison Ford
It’s sometimes hard to tell where the sarcastic and charming Indiana Jones or Han Solo end, and the real Harrison Ford actually begins. Mostly because he’s just as charming as his famous characters.

We do, however, love how humble and sweet this interaction between Monda and Harrison is. Our favorite treasure hunter exudes confidence and is just so down-to-earth, and we absolutely love him for it!
Courteney Cox
Although among the friends in Friends, the title of Most Wholesome goes to either Joey or Pheobe, in real life, Courteney Cox is a definite contender — although, honestly, they all seem pretty sweet to us.

We just love how this sitcom queen just kept on chatting with Allison about her question. This just shows how dedicated to her fans and how excited about her work Cox really is!
Steven Spielberg
As the most commercially successful director of all time, Steven Spielberg has an incredibly diverse resume; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Jaws, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, and so many others!

Spielberg is literally our childhood! So, we’re so glad to learn that he’s just as nurturing and kind to young people in the movie industry as we would expect him to be. So, how can we get a brain-picking sesh with the maestro?
Muhammad Ali
We already knew that Muhammad Ali was the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time (thanks to his amazing sportsmanship at the Fight of the Century and in The Rumble in the Jungle), but we can also now say that he was the most wholesome heavyweight boxer of all time.

Just look at the sweet drawing and signature that the late legendary athlete gave Kristin during a chance meeting at the airport! His skill at drawing fighting stick figures is truly admirable — and adorable!
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga isn’t known as “Mother Monster” for nothing. Beyond her incredible voice, she’s known for her endless dedication to her loving fans. She’s been an incredibly vocal advocate over the years for many causes that directly affect much of her fanbase.

So, it’s no surprise that Hugh McIntyre had such a lovely encounter with the star. Fun Fact — did you know that Taiwan loves Lady Gaga so much that they have an official “Lady Gaga Day” on July third every year, marking the date she first visited the country?
Carole King
She sure makes us feel like natural women‚ Carole King has had an incredibly successful and impactful musical career for decades. So, we’re hardly surprised that she was such an inspiration to this Twitter user.

We did love to learn, though, that despite her probably busy schedule, King took the time to be a queen by sitting with this young woman. Not only that, but it sounds like the epic musician mostly sat there and listened.
Ernie Hudson
Ernie Hudson will forever be a part of our childhood, thanks to his iconic role as Winston Zeddemore in the original Ghostbusters Trilogy (and now a new generation of ghostbusting fans can enjoy his acting in the series reboot Ghostbusters: Afterlife).

We absolutely love the chance encounter Gordon has with Ernie when he was a kid. It encompasses exactly why Ernie’s character was so important, and highlights what a fantastic role model the actor is to young fans.
Mark Hamill
In case you live under a rock, Mark Hamill is best known for playing Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars universe — and for his many, many iconic voice-acting roles. Did you know Hamill is the voice of the Joker in most animated projects?

Anyone following Hamill on social media (where he’s extremely active) knows exactly just how funny and wholesome the actor is. So, it comes as no surprise to us that he was such an absolute pleasure to meet in person. We also love that Philly managed to bring the meme to life by getting Hamill to “point.”
Carrie Fisher
In both her life and her acting career, Carrie Fisher was the definition of a fearless woman. Of course, she played the iconic Princess Leia in the original Star Wars films (later turned into General Leia), but she was also pretty iconic in her daily life too.

She was known for her fierceness and sharp wit, which makes this encounter with Dave Cobb all the more wholesome for showing her shy, almost-awkward side. Since her passing in 2016, she’s been incredibly missed by her fans.
Alan Rickman
Oh, Alan Rickman, how we miss your kind face and fathomless talent (and that silky smooth voice, of course). It was a true loss for the acting world when Rickman passed away in 2016.

Thankfully, we have stories like this one to remind us of what a great man he truly was. Can you imagine just randomly meeting a student and then agreeing to an interview on the spot? But, that’s just the kind of person he was.
Dan Aykroyd
How can we not absolutely love the creator and star of Ghostbusters (because who else “you gonna call”)?! Of course, he’s been in a bunch of other great projects, including being nominated for an Academy Award for his role in Driving Miss Daisy.

But, to us, and to Julie’s kid, he’s always going to be the iconic and charming Dr. Raymond “Ray” Stantz as he busts some ghosties. His devotion and care toward his young fans is absolutely heartwarming — and now we’re bawling like Julie. Can we get a hug, too?
Chris Evens & Tom Hiddleston
Playing a hero is no easy task. Playing a superhero might be even harder. And we’re not just talking about all the training and acting and stunt work that these actors go through. It’s the fact that they need to keep being superheroes in real life, too.

After all, after playing Captain America, Chris Evens’ very young fans absolutely expect him to act like their beloved character. As for Tom Hiddleston — he might play a villain-turned-antihero, but in the real world, he’s always had a heart of gold!
Conan O’Brien
He might have appeared on The Tonight Show to replace David Letterman as a nobody-writer from SNL and The Simpsons — but for the past 30 years, he’s been our wholesome, nightly entertainment.

We can absolutely see the long-time host treating Tanner Thomason like his buddy. Not only does this encounter show his genuine kindness, but also his wonderful and encouraging sense of humor.
Nicolas Cage
Thanks to his unique personality, Nicolas Cage has gotten a reputation for being quite eccentric over the years. That doesn’t mean he’s any less wholesome, though. His sweetness just tends to come out in… interesting ways.

Did you know he’s considered to be one of the most generous Hollywood stars? This is why we absolutely love this funny little encounter, because let’s face it — a case of mistaken identity has happened to all of us. He’s just like us!
Robin Williams
Oh, Robin Williams, what could we possibly say that you don’t already know about this incredibly sweet and wholesome legend? Beyond being one of the funniest people ever, he was also one of the kindest and most gentle.

We already knew he was an amazing guy thanks to how he took care of his close friend Christopher Reeve after his injury. But thanks to this tweet, we can definitely say that he was just as great with regular folks.
Johnny Marr
This guitarist legend needs no introduction, but in case you do need one — Johnny Marr might be one of the best guitarists of all time and is best known for fronting the beloved band The Smiths, alongside Morrissey.

What really struck us about this adorable interaction is that Marr really is just a big musical geek — happy to gush about his open favorite musician (despite being many people’s favorite musician himself). We’re officially his fans for life!
Maurice Bernard Sendak
Maurice Sendak, beloved author and illustrator of children’s books, was well known to love his littlest fans who fell in love with the story and the art of his most famous book, Where the Wild Things Are.

In the vein of this adorable interaction shared on Twitter, Sandak was quoted getting the following letter to a fan, “I got a letter back from his mother, and she said: ‘Jim loved your card so much he ate it.’ That, to me, was one of the highest compliments I’ve ever received.”
Matt Groening
Fun fact — did you know that Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons, has a son named Homer? On a more relevant note, Groening has been the creator of two of the most influential animated shows of the past 30 years, The Simpsons and Futurama.

So, we love to see that he’s still supporting and nurturing the talent of other young creators. Also, it’s adorable that this artist wanted to give Groening free stuff, and even more heartwarming that Groening insisted on paying for everything.
William Shatner
Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise might have been his most memorable and influential role, but William Shatner has acted in many other amazing projects. He even has a musical career!

How great is it that despite him having gone to actual space at the age of 90, Shatner is still a down-to-earth dude? We’d love to meet ol’ “Bill” ourselves and give him a Volcan salute.
Craig Robinson
Whether you know him as deadpan Darryl Philbin, the warehouse manager in The Office — or the charming thief with a heart of gold, Doug Judy from Brooklynn Nine-Nine — we can all agree that Craig Robinson is an incredibly funny and talented actor.

Thanks to @Orpheus_Black, we now definitively know that Craig is also just as charming and nice in real life! So, next time we meet the “Pontiac Bandit” on the Pineapple Express, we’ll be sure to get a cool pic with him too!
John Cleese
While younger readers might not know the greatness that is Monty Python (which is a mistake that should be corrected immediately with a Monty Python marathon), we all have John Cleese (and others) to thank for the hours of endless entertainment that the comedy troupe gave us.

This lucky Twitter user actually got to drink from this particular fountain of comedy knowledge by picking John Cleese’s brain for an entire half-hour! We’re pretty sure even seasoned comedians would kill for this opportunity!
Patton Oswalt
While Patton Oswalt’s sitcom acting chops are certainly well regarded and appreciated, we really do think that it’s his distinct voice that has made him into the massive star that he is today.

Sure, his role in The King of Queens made him famous, but he became a truly beloved actor thanks to a little rat. After all, what little kid wouldn’t swoon at hearing the voice behind the adorable little chef, Remy, from Ratatouille?
Hilary Duff
Unlike many of her Disney Channel and Nickelodeon child co-stars, Hilary Duff made the transition from child star to grown-up actor pretty smoothly, staying the wholesome and relatable Lizzie McGuire star that we all know and love.

So, thank you, Brandon — for showing us that Hilary really is just as awesome and cool as we hoped she would be! We knew there was a good reason we kept rewatching A Cinderella Story.
Viggo Mortensen
If you’ve ever watched The Lord of the Rings trilogy with a fan of the series, then you know exactly what a dedicated actor Viggo Mortensen is (yes, we are talking about that helmet-kicking scene).

But, it looks like even beyond his chivalrous role of Aragorn, Viggo is just as knightly out of his costume chainmail. This interaction definitely has us swooning like a young maiden at how kind and sweet this great actor is.
Leonard Nimoy
It’s impossible, of course, to talk about Leonard Nimoy without mentioning the character that was just as much a part of his identity as his real self — Spock from Star Trek. Thanks to Nimoy, Spock became one of the most beloved and relatable geek characters ever.

The main difference between the two was that, while the half-human half-Vulcan character was stoic and reserved, the real Nimoy was warm, kind, and joyous. Anyone who got to meet him really is privileged.
Bas Rutten
Ranken by Inside MMA as the fourth-greatest mixed martial artist of all time, in 2008, Bas “El Guapo” Rutten has become quite a fan favorite. We can see why — the athlete has only ever lost four fights.

He finished his career with a 22-fight unbeaten streak! That’s amazing, especially considering that he had asthma as a kid! If we met him like Chris did, we’d definitely be doing the “Rutten Jump” with joy!
”Weird Al” Yankovic
It seems that Alfred Yankovic’s fate as a musical/comedy genius was sealed the moment he first picked up an accordion when he was seven (apparently, he was later inspired by Elton John’s music to play rock with the unusual instrument).

With such a unique personality and outlook, it’s no wonder that he’s quickly become a musician beloved by music and parody geeks alike. We absolutely believe that meeting Weird Al is an incredibly wholesome encounter.
Bryan Cranston
Here’s a fan fact — apparently, Bryan Cranston already had a bit of an affinity with chemistry before playing Walter White in Breaking Bad. You see, he was part of his high school’s chemistry club, and even studied police science in college!

But, it looks like his real personality is somewhat closer to his Malcolm in the Middle character of Hal — just being a goofy and kind guy. While the photo from this encounter might not look like it, Nick’s happy smile definitely shows that he was having a great time meeting his hero.
Mel Brooks
With timeless hits like The Producers, Blazing Saddles, Spaceballs, and Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Mel Brooks is easily one of the best comedy producers/directors/actors ever.

His real charm, of course, comes from the fact that — as this tweet shows perfectly — Mel Brooks never misses an opportunity to make people laugh. At the end of the day, he really is just a cool, funny guy.
Keanu Reeves
This will come as no surprise to anyone who’s been on the internet in the last few years, but Keanu Reeves is probably the most wholesome celeb ever (at least, according to his many, many fans).

Beyond being a super-talented actor, he’s unfailingly polite, humble, and kind toward his fans, no matter when or where they meet him. He’s also incredibly private and known to be quite shy. He truly is the internet’s perfect boyfriend.
Stevie Wonder and John Mayer
Everybody loves Stevie Wonder, so it’s hardly surprising that he was a pleasure to meet. Plus, how sweet is it that he was paying enough attention to hear this woman’s wish and then quickly grant it?

We do have to admit that we’re a little surprised by the John Mayer interaction. Don’t get us wrong; we’re super glad she had a positive encounter with the singer. We just weren’t expecting it from him — so, pleasantly surprised.
Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, and Nick Frost
Alright, we have to admit, we might be a little biased by adding these three to the list. What can we say? Their Three Flavours Cornetto films might just be our favorite movie franchise ever.

But, it’s nice to find out that not only are they super talented when it comes to making fantastic films (seriously, go watch them now) — but they’re also incredibly decent and kind human beings. Thanks, Even, for sharing this sweet memory with us.
While many of us look up to celebs and may even consider them our heroes, they’re sometimes known to dismiss us mere mortals. Luckily, that wasn’t the case when these wholesome celebrities met their fans. Lucky for us, these people took to the internet to share the sweet and kind everyday encounters they had with some of the world’s biggest A-listers, and it’s definitely making our day just a little better.