Someone Doesn’t Like Brits
Today, the world is extremely mobile and accessible. Journeys to different countries that used to take months by ship or foot now take mere hours. While this is a good thing, the more different cultures mingle, the more obvious our differences are.

Accents are something that some find attractive and others can’t stand. This girl clearly falls into the latter category, but it really makes us wonder why she went on a date… with an English person… in England. Some things just can’t be explained.
Biting Is Bad
When we’re little, we put anything and everything in our mouths. It’s completely natural to try and taste the world around us as children. But, this is something that we grow out of, as it’s not healthy.

It seems this guy didn’t get the “no biting anymore” memo, though. We can understand wanting to smell a nice perfume, but to follow it with a bite is straight-up weird. Maybe he thought he was being seductive when, in fact, it’s just creepy.
She’s Always Watching
It’s always best to try to end romantic relationships in an amicable way, but sometimes, that simply isn’t what happens. Maybe a partner was unfaithful, or perhaps they showed red flag behaviors that led to the end of the relationship.

The question here is, how exactly did they break up and who broke up with who? Because the ex-girlfriend clearly isn’t over it. We mean, going to extreme lengths like making a fake Tinder profile is pretty serious (and scary).
Some People Have Bad Manners
Some people just seem to lack the skills to get along with other people. They’re so stuck in their own little worlds that they’re not aware of how they affect the people around them — or they are and they just don’t care.

This guy definitely sounds like one of those people. Between his insulting behavior and arrogance, he definitely deserved to be walked out on. It’s a shame she couldn’t do that since she’s the one that drove him there.
Not His Ex-Girlfriend
There are too many people out there who straight-up lie about whether they’re in a relationship or not. They say they broke up with someone when they didn’t, or they just pretend to never have been in a relationship, period.

We’d like to think that this guy was just very lazy about changing his phone background, but it’s more likely that she wasn’t his ex-girlfriend, after all. He could have at least tried to hide his phone better.
Lies All Around
Most of us are smart enough to know how to be safe on the internet by now, but sometimes, you can still end up in a sticky situation with a sketchy person even while being cautious.

Everything this guy said was a lie, and we’re glad she got out of there. Having a stalker must be terrifying, though. Hopefully, she’s gone to the police and she’s safe and sound. That can become dangerous very quickly.
Waiting for Someone Like Her
The Joker and Harley Quinn may be a famous couple, but that doesn’t mean that they’re a healthy one. It’s quite the opposite, actually, and some of the Joker’s behaviors are truly terrifying.

How could this guy have possibly thought that mimicking a creepy villain while a guest is in the bathroom is a good idea? No one cares how good of an impression you can do — leave people alone in the bathroom!
A Series of Awkward Moments
Every relationship is different, which means that every couple is going to have their own timeline when it comes to things like saying “I love you” or getting engaged or married. But, most people can agree that saying “I love you” on a first date is too much.

This is actually really sad, because it sounds like this girl desperately wanted some attention and someone to care for her. That can’t be random people from the internet, though, especially if you lie to get there.
Let Girls Order
Many girls would like to know where exactly the idea that ordering your partner’s food for them is cute. Offering recommendations is one thing, but not even allowing them to choose their own food is controlling and creepy.

So, not only was this guy controlling — but he was also cheap and self-absorbed. That sounds like a winning combination! Everyone should appreciate having their own food spit on them during a date. Maybe it’s romantic in some cultures.
Technically Engaged But Not Married
There are a lot of different reasons that people get married, and some reasons are a bit more questionable than others. Although engaged isn’t quite married, it still means you’ve made a long-term commitment to another person.

This is so horrible. Suffering from a loss is bad enough, and it’s surprising that she’s being so cavalier about everything. “Technically engaged” is still engaged, so she shouldn’t be going on dates with anyone unless she actually breaks up with her partner.
Dine and Dash
Dine and dash is a terrible practice where people eat a meal or have drinks and then sneak out without paying their bill. It’s a great way to get yourself banned from a restaurant — or to even find yourself in more trouble than that.

Dining and dashing is something no one should ever do. It’s cruel to the restaurant. If you can’t afford to go out to eat, you shouldn’t be doing it at all. Sounds like he needed to dump and dash on that date.
Old Fashioned Values
Some people don’t seem to understand what a partner is looking for nowadays. It’s as if they get their ideas for dating and relationships from 1940s films with a controlling, demanding husband and a perfect, obedient wife.

It’s strange that some people seem to take pride in being controlling. That’s not a good trait to have, especially as a man talking to a potential partner. No one likes being controlled. At least he was honest about it, we suppose.
Attached at the Hip
Some people are lucky to have a best friend that they can do and talk about anything and everything with. But sometimes, these relationships can become too dependent.

This sounds like a seriously unhealthy case of codependency. Does the girl have such a lack of personality that she can’t survive on a date on her own and needs her friend there? Something weird is going on here.
Some Unsolicited Advice
Contrary to popular belief, we’re not all entitled to an opinion on any aspect of another person’s life. Unless someone is asking for help or advice, we should understand that everyone can make their own choices.

Welders, as well as other trade jobs, are very much in demand and always will be, so his reasoning was really weird. But more importantly, what made him think it’s okay to tell a woman he barely knows that she should change careers?
Can’t Stop Staring
It’s natural to want to look at people we find attractive. It’s just human nature. However, there’s a difference between looking and staring, and staring is usually crossing a line.

It’s hard to know whether you’re going to be attracted to someone until you’re out with them, but how rude do you have to be to check out other women while you’re sitting across from your date? Have some tact, man.
No Sales Pitches
Salespeople need to keep in mind that there’s a time and place for selling. No one in your life — including friends, family, or even the cashier at your local grocery store — wants to hear a sales pitch from you unless they explicitly ask for one.

She was either super passionate about her job, using the date as an excuse to try and gain a new customer, or so unaware that she somehow didn’t realize she was on a date. Whatever the reason, we would have walked out right then and there.
The New Anne Bonny
Human beings are very diverse and unique, so it’s not surprising that we’re going to meet people who have hobbies or beliefs that we find strange, like meeting someone who thinks she’s a pirate.

Maybe she was right. Perhaps reincarnation is real. Or it could be that she just really didn’t like who she was and wanted to be someone else. This would definitely be concerning to hear from someone you barely know, but it would also be pretty fun to date a pirate.
Fight With a Stranger
There’s a stereotype that women want a man who will “defend their honor” by getting into brawls with men who look at them the wrong way or make inappropriate comments.

This sounds like one of those scenes from a movie where a girl is trying to make her ex-boyfriend jealous by showing off a new guy in front of him and trying to make them fight each other. It’s good that neither of them took the bait.
Can’t Change Her Mind
We all have preferences when it comes to food. There are vegetarians, vegans, pescatarians, those who don’t eat carbs, and those who despise any type of seafood. You’d think a first date would make an effort to accommodate preferences, but apparently, that’s not always the case.

You’ve got to be very full of yourself to intentionally go for the one kind of food your date said they didn’t want. What if she didn’t like sushi because she was allergic to one of the ingredients?
A Missed Opportunity
When you go on a lot of dates, you tend to get tired of basic dates like dinner and a movie. It becomes repetitive, and there are only so many movies you can see. That’s why unique dates are always welcome.

He really messed up here. He could have used it as an opportunity to teach her some things about skateboarding, and make it a really unique and fun experience. Instead, he made her sit there bored for hours and ruined his chances of a second date.
Worst Lunch Date
Let us give you some advice — if you ask someone out, put in some effort. Don’t just bring them along to what you do every day, and definitely don’t spend the whole time talking about yourself or your exes.

He must have been lonely and just wanted some company while he missed his ex, because there’s no way that he thought that was a good date. It must have been hard for the OP to have gotten so excited over what turned out to be a really lousy experience.
The Sandal Sniffer
Certain types of behavior are expected on first dates. You’re expected to be polite and respectful, to spend time both listening and talking about yourself, and exert a certain level of self-control if you have some odd habits.

Maybe he was just checking to make sure she didn’t have smelly feet! That’s what we tell ourselves to try and explain why he would have done something like that without resorting to simply calling him a creep (which he totally is).
Hatred for Filler Words
Did you ever have that friend who had really strict parents? Parents who would gripe at you if you said “yeah” instead of “yes,” didn’t call them sir or ma’am, or criticized you for saying things like “uh,” “um,” and “like.” What if that happened on a date?

This guy would show up in the dictionary next to “pretentious jerkwad.” It’s never okay to criticize or belittle the way someone speaks, let alone do it on a first date. He’s lucky she just stared at him and didn’t throw her drink.
Chokers and Buns
We all have preferences when it comes to physical appearance. It’s natural to be attracted to certain things, but it’s not natural to belittle people who don’t fit your idea of attractive — especially if you’re on a date with them, like this guy!

You have to be a mean person to go out of your way to insult someone that you just met. He obviously knew exactly what he was doing, because there’s no way such a specific complaint came out of the blue.
The Pretend Boyfriend
When we plan a date with someone, the last thing we expect is for other people to be tagging along, unless it’s explicitly stated that it’s going to be some sort of group gathering.

This sounds like a case of the girl lying and telling her family she was dating someone, then tricking a stranger into pretending to be her boyfriend at a family gathering.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Driving skills are something that we may not think about when looking for a partner, but they’re incredibly important considering you’re going to spend a lot of time in a vehicle with that person.

This says a lot about her character. If she didn’t leave a note because she doesn’t have insurance, then she shouldn’t be driving — and if she does have insurance but didn’t bother with a note just ’cause, it’s cruel to the person whose car she damaged.
No Cares at All
The thing that makes humans so great is that we have varied interests and hobbies. It gives us infinite things to connect with others over, but what happens if someone seems to not care about anything?

How does this person go through life without any hobbies or interests whatsoever? Maybe he was just lying because he was embarrassed by what he’s into, but it would have been better to say something! She must have been bored to tears.
She’s Got a Type
Military spouses have a hard life. They go long stints without seeing their partners, sometimes unable to even talk to them. Still, it’s no secret that people like a man in uniform.

Someone clearly has a type, and assuming this person is on social media, she likely already knew he had been in the military before agreeing to the date. She’s on the hunt for her next engagement ring.
Do Not Touch
Museums can be a really cool place to go on a date. They offer the opportunity to bond over a shared interest and have meaningful conversations and discussions. You just have to make sure the other person actually cares, like in this case.

It baffles us why someone would agree to a date at an art museum who hates art enough to intentionally go around the museum touching and potentially ruining the art. He obviously wasn’t taking the date seriously.
Some Guys Are Scumbags
High school sweethearts who last are impressive. A lot of personal changes and growth happen between finishing high school and our mid-20s, so for a relationship to survive that period of time is rare.

This is another case of a guy who’s bitter over a breakup parading a new girl in front of his ex to try and make her jealous. It doesn’t work in movies and doesn’t work in real life, either. She probably just rolled her eyes.
Isn’t it Ironic?
It’s hard to understand why people lie about their appearance when it comes to dating. The person is going to realize immediately that you lied once they see you, and it’s going to cause total distrust.

She clearly didn’t see the irony in making fun of everyone else’s appearance when she had lied about her own looks. Dates shouldn’t start with lies and negativity. It’s unhealthy. He did the right thing in taking her home early.
Staring at a Screen
Smartphones are an amazing tool, but they can also cause a lot of problems in our day-to-day lives and relationships. We get addicted to checking for new messages and notifications on our social media apps and end up ignoring those around us.

This girl must have been deep in a phone addiction to have spent nearly 25 minutes staring at her phone while on a date. Either that, or she really didn’t like the guy and just agreed to dinner to get some free food.
Ghosted Once Again
With the introduction of digital mediums like texting and WhatsApp came ghosting. Ghosting is the act of suddenly ceasing communication with someone, usually to the surprise and confusion of the other person.

This is so strange. Did she look out the window, see them, and decide she didn’t like them? She presumably already knew what they looked like thanks to social media, though, so that doesn’t seem plausible. At least he got to enjoy the beach, although he would have preferred a date.
Live Tweeting Gone Wrong
Live tweeting is one of the best sides of Twitter. Whether it’s an awards show, a sporting event, or just someone watching a film, reading people’s insights and jokes makes for great entertainment.

She was clearly just using the date as an excuse to live tweet to her followers and try to seem interesting, but she made herself look bad to both her date and her followers. We’re curious as to how he figured out she was live-tweeting about it, though.
Sound of Her Own Voice
There’s nothing wrong with enjoying talking. But there’s a love for talking, and then there’s loving the sound of your own voice, which means barreling over those around you who try to get a word in edgewise.

This girl definitely just loved the sound of her own voice, but the fact that she barely finished any of her sentences makes us wonder if she had some serious ADHD. Whatever it was, we hope that both of them had dates beyond this one that were a little more successful.
A True American
Some accents are harder to understand than others. One such accent that’s notoriously difficult to understand is the Scottish accent. It’s just something about the way they pronounce things that takes some getting used to.

Why would he even do this? Maybe he thought that the girl wouldn’t like Scottish people or wouldn’t understand him, but a fake accent would be hard to keep up throughout a long-term relationship! He would have been better off just being himself.
A Tad Too Young
Teenage girls have a bad habit of thinking it’s cool to date older men. Many can’t understand that any man who’s willing to date someone underage is problematic. So, some lie about their age in hopes of snagging an older guy.

While maybe he shouldn’t have sat through the movie with her, at least he was respectful to her and he made sure she got home safe without getting into a car alone with her. He handled the situation the best way he could.
Goodbye Kasey, Hello Timothy
We all handle stressful situations differently. Some people start cracking jokes, even if it’s inappropriate — and others have developed odder behaviors, like putting on accents or even pretending to be someone entirely different.

Take this OP’s experience, for instance. Perhaps this was his date’s coping mechanism for stressful situations? Whatever the case may be, we hope Timothy/Kasey finds someone that truly understands them.
Pungent Cheese and Fritos
Smelly feet are the worst. It’s such an unpleasant odor, and since it’s mostly preventable, it’s really frustrating to be the one who has to smell it. Most people do some extra hygiene prep before dates, but apparently not everyone.

He was wearing shoes and socks, so his feet or shoes must have been ridiculously filthy to not only smell — but for the smell to reach several feet away. Scrub your feet in the shower and keep your shoes clean, folks.
It’s All in the Stars
Whether it’s “real” or not, people who are into astrology are really into astrology. They dive deep, going way beyond simple horoscopes and compatibility. It’s fine when discussing it with someone equally as passionate, but it can be tedious to those who don’t care.

It’s hard to listen to a stranger tell you that your personality and career choices have nothing to do with your actual personal choices, but rather the stars and the moon and what time of year you were born.
No More Kardashians
Lots of us enjoy watching “trash” TV. Cheesy reality series like Keeping Up With the Kardashians, while not actually reality, can help us forget about our own problems for a while. But, not everyone is into these things.

If the person she was on a date with mentioned loving the show, then that’s one thing. Otherwise, it’s just gossiping about a bunch of celebrities that the date knows nothing about, which is really boring. Plus some people are just really sick of hearing about the Kardashians.
Two Dates at Once
Online dating usually leads to a lot of weird dates. Some people are just strange, or really bad at dating. But, the last thing you expect is for your date to bring another date to dinner.

So, this girl went on two dates at once? Well, we’ve got to praise her for her efficiency. Why spend multiple hours getting to know two different people when you could just do it at the same time and figure out which you like more?
Family Comes First
There’s nothing wrong with living with your parents as an adult, as long as you’re honest about it and you’re still making an effort to live your own life. But, lying about it at the start of a date is a bad sign.

To make matters worse, this dude decided that they’d eat dinner at home… and then left his date in the garage to eat by herself. We’re not entirely sure why this OP decided to stick the date out but we do know one thing for sure — she has much more patience than we do.
Definitely 35 Years Old
Many older single people still want to date and have romantic relationships, but it can be challenging for them. In a society so obsessed with youth, a lot of people focus on finding younger partners.

You can’t start a relationship with lies. A lot of people don’t care about age that much, but lying and saying you’re at least 30 years younger than you are isn’t going to instill trust in anyone. Dating is hard for older women, but lying isn’t the answer.
Dating is hard. As humans and individuals, we have different hobbies, interests, and needs in a relationship. These differences can lead to some really awkward dates that leave us wondering why we didn’t just walk out. We’ve compiled a list of stories about bad dates that people have shared with the internet — and they’re guaranteed to make you cringe.