Mayim Bialik’s Children Follow All These Peculiar Rules in Their Household

Mayim Bialik, best known for her role as neurobiologist Amy Farrah Fowler in The Big Bang Theory is also a real-life mother of two sons. However, her parenting style is far from conventional. Bialik follows a strict set of rules in her household, which includes no TV or electronic devices during the week, severe dietary restrictions, and a focus on hands-on learning and outdoor activities. In her book Beyond the Sling: A Real-Life Guide to Raising Confident, Loving Children the Attachment Parenting Way, Bialik describes her approach to parenting and the rationale behind her peculiar rules. Despite the criticism, Bialik stands by her choices and their impact on her children’s development.

No Meds

One of the most controversial rules in Mayim Bialik’s household is the strict ban on medication. Bialik has a Ph.D. in neuroscience and believes in natural remedies and body healing through nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness. She believes medication should only be used in extreme cases and prefers treating illnesses and injuries with natural remedies like herbs and essential oils.

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Bialik’s approach to medication has received criticism from some who believe that medication can be essential for treating certain conditions. However, Bialik stands by her decision and is committed to raising her children in a manner that focuses on natural health and well-being.

TV Isn’t Allowed

One of the most notable rules in Mayim Bialik’s household is the strict ban on TV. Bialik believes watching TV can be a passive activity that doesn’t stimulate children’s minds or promote active learning.

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She prefers her children to engage in hands-on learning activities, such as reading, playing games, or doing arts and crafts. Additionally, Bialik believes too much exposure to electronic media can harm children’s developing brains and negatively impact their social skills.


Mayim Bialik is a strong advocate for homeschooling and has chosen this approach to education for her children. Bialik believes homeschooling provides children with a personalized education tailored to their needs and interests.

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Bialik believes homeschooling also provides opportunities for hands-on learning and real-world experiences that may not be available in a traditional classroom setting.


Another peculiar rule in Mayim Bialik’s household is co-sleeping. Bialik strongly advocates for attachment parenting, which involves creating strong emotional bonds between parents and children.

Kveller // Mayim Bialik

Co-sleeping is one way to foster these bonds, allowing parents and children to sleep close to each other. Bialik believes that co-sleeping promotes a sense of security and comfort for children, leading to better sleep and improved emotional health.

Home Birth

Mayim Bialik is a passionate advocate for natural childbirth and firmly believes in the benefits of home births for women with low-risk pregnancies. According to her, the intimacy of the home environment can provide a more comfortable and personalized childbirth experience, giving women greater control over the process.

City Dads Group // Guest Contributor

Bialik also highlights that home births have been associated with lower rates of medical interventions and complications. However, she acknowledges that home births may not be suitable for all women and encourages people to carefully consider their options and consult a healthcare provider to help make an informed decision.

Responsive Parenting

Mayim Bialik supports responsive parenting, which encourages parents to attend to their babies’ needs promptly, and believes that it’s essential to recognize and respond to a baby’s emotional cues. According to her, crying is a baby’s way of communicating, and it’s crucial to understand their cues and respond appropriately to avoid prolonged crying.

Facebook // Mayim Bialik

She promotes a parenting style that fosters a strong emotional bond between parent and child based on attentive and loving responses to a baby’s needs. While it can be challenging to interpret a baby’s emotional cues at first, Bialik believes that attentive and responsive parenting can make it easier to understand and meet a baby’s needs.

Toilet Training

Mayim Bialik believes in early toilet training and suggests introducing it to a child at a young age. She believes babies can give cues when they need to go, and parents can help by positioning them on a toilet.

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By starting early, parents can reduce the usage of diapers, promote independence, and teach good hygiene habits. It’s important to remember that every child is different. Parents should be flexible in their approach to toilet training while keeping the child’s individual needs and abilities in mind.

No Strollers

Mayim Bialik is against using strollers and prefers to carry her children in a sling or a baby carrier. She believes using a stroller can hinder parent-child bonding and limit physical contact between parent and child.

Constative // Kelly Davies

Bialik advocates using baby carriers and slings as an alternative, citing the benefits of physical touch, eye contact, and a solid emotional connection between parent and child.

Vegan Kids

Mayim Bialik strongly advocates for a vegan lifestyle and believes in raising her children as vegans. She believes a plant-based diet can provide all the necessary nutrients for a child’s growth and development while promoting a healthy lifestyle and environmental sustainability.

Instagram // @missmayim

Bialik acknowledges that raising vegan children can be challenging and requires careful planning and attention to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. However, she believes that the benefits of a vegan lifestyle outweigh the challenges, and she encourages parents to consider a plant-based diet as a healthy and ethical choice for their children.

No Plastic Toys

Mayim Bialik encourages children to engage in activities beyond plastic toys. She believes that going outside and exploring nature, conducting kid-friendly science experiments, and learning new skills like cooking or crafting can foster creativity and learning.

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Bialik feels these activities benefit a child’s cognitive development and promote bonding with family members. By encouraging these activities, she hopes to inspire children to adopt healthier and more fulfilling lifestyles while promoting a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

Learn Politeness, Not Fake Niceties

Mayim Bialik’s parenting philosophy includes teaching her children to be polite but not to indulge in fake niceties. She emphasizes the importance of being honest and authentic in their interactions with others rather than resorting to insincere flattery or social niceties.

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Bialik believes that cultivating genuine relationships with people is critical to developing emotional intelligence and strong interpersonal skills. By teaching her children to communicate with integrity, she hopes to instill a sense of self-respect and empathy in them, which will benefit them throughout their lives.

Sharing Isn’t Essential

Mayim Bialik believes that sharing is only sometimes necessary or beneficial for children. She thinks forcing kids to share their belongings can harm their sense of autonomy and ownership.

Groknation // @missmayim

Instead, Bialik encourages her children to negotiate and collaborate to find mutually agreeable solutions. She believes this approach fosters healthy communication and problem-solving skills while respecting each child’s needs and boundaries.


Mayim Bialik’s parenting philosophy is all about sustainability. The actress and neuroscientist has always been passionate about the environment and instilled this value in her children. From recycling and composting to using reusable bags and water bottles, Mayim encourages her kids to be conscious of their environmental impact.

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She even takes it a step further by making her own cleaning products and reducing energy consumption in the household. By teaching her children the importance of sustainability, Mayim creates a brighter future for them and the planet they’ll inherit.

No Smartphones or Video Games

Mayim Bialik has strict rules regarding technology in her household. She believes smartphones and video games harm children’s mental health and creativity. According to her, these devices are addictive and rob children of their time that could be spent on more productive and imaginative activities.

Instagram // @missmayim

Instead, she encourages her children to engage in outdoor activities, explore nature, read books, and pursue hobbies that can help develop their skills and creativity.

No Traditional Punishments

Mayim Bialik doesn’t believe in traditional forms of punishment for her children. Instead, she approaches her kids as individuals with their thoughts and emotions, talking to them respectfully, like adults. She takes the time to explain why certain behaviors aren’t acceptable and what the consequences of their actions might be.

Facebook // Mayim Bialik

Mayim fosters understanding and mutual respect through open and honest communication with her children. This approach helps her kids develop empathy and a more profound self-awareness, creating a positive foundation for their growth and development.

No Sleep Training

Mayim Bialik isn’t a fan of sleep training and believes it’s essential to be responsive to a baby’s needs. She thinks training a baby to sleep through the night isn’t natural and can lead to stress for both the baby and the parents.

Kveller // Mayim Bialik

Instead, she suggests that parents try to create a sleep-friendly environment for their babies and be attentive to their needs. Mayim believes babies will eventually develop their sleep patterns, and parents should be patient and supportive during this process.

No Gifts Required

Mayim Bialik has a different approach to gift-giving, believing that material possessions don’t equate to happiness. She doesn’t require her children to receive gifts on special occasions and, instead, encourages them to appreciate and cherish experiences and relationships.

Shutterstock // Kathy Hutchins

Mayim also stresses the importance of giving back to the community and those in need, rather than focusing on receiving presents. Her philosophy on gift-giving is a refreshing perspective in a world that heavily emphasizes consumerism.

No Yelling

Mayim believes that yelling is never the answer, even in frustration or anger. She advocates for communicating with children calmly and respectfully, even when they misbehave. Mayim acknowledges that it can be challenging to control one’s emotions sometimes, but she encourages parents to practice self-awareness and find alternative methods of expressing their frustrations.

Instagram // @missmayim

By avoiding yelling and using constructive communication instead, Mayim believes that parents can establish a positive and healthy relationship with their children built on mutual respect and understanding.


Mayim Bialik believes in having complete control over her children’s education, so she has homeschooled them. She values the ability to personalize their learning experiences, allowing her children to explore their interests and learn at their own pace.

Instagram // @missmayim

She can ensure they receive a well-rounded curriculum, aligning with her values and beliefs, by actively participating in their education.

Nursing Is the Best Option

Mayim Bialik is a staunch advocate of nursing and believes it’s the best option for newborns. She encourages mothers to nurse their babies exclusively for at least six months, if not more. Mayim understands that nursing may not be easy for everyone and supports mothers who pump and bottle-feed their milk.

Instagram // @missmayim

She also stresses the importance of making nursing accessible and acceptable in public spaces, so mothers can nurse their babies whenever and wherever necessary. Mayim is vocal about the benefits of a mother’s milk for the health and well-being of both the baby and the mother.

Stories Should Be Read Out Loud

Mayim Bialik believes that reading stories out loud to children has countless benefits, which is why it’s a rule in her parenting style. It helps children develop their language, cognitive, and social skills. When a story is read out loud, children can learn how to process information, develop their imaginations, and empathize with the characters.

Instagram // @missmayim

Additionally, reading out loud is a great way to bond with your child and create lasting memories. It’s a simple yet effective way to enhance your child’s growth and development while enjoying quality time together.

No Rigid Schedule

Mayim Bialik strongly advocates against rigid schedules for children. She believes children should be free to follow their natural rhythms and not be constrained by set schedules. Mayim argues that this approach allows children to learn and develop at their own pace, which helps to build confidence and self-esteem.

Instagram // @missmayim

This is particularly important for young children still learning about the world around them. By providing them with the space and time they need, they can develop a better sense of themselves and their abilities and are less likely to feel overwhelmed or frustrated by strict schedules.

Family Vacations Are a Must

Mayim Bialik believes that family vacations aren’t just a luxury, but a necessity. She recognizes that modern parenting can be overwhelming, and parents and children need a break from their daily routine to reconnect.

Kveller // Mayim Bialik

Mayim stresses that family vacations don’t have to be extravagant; even a simple camping trip or a day trip to a nearby park can provide a much-needed break. Parents can create memories and strengthen their bond with their children by being with the family in a relaxed setting.

Treat the Kids Like Adults

Mayim believes in treating her kids as intelligent beings capable of understanding complex topics. She believes in having meaningful conversations and involving them in decision-making processes. She thinks treating children like adults helps their overall growth and development.

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It allows them to understand the world better and prepares them for the future. Mayim also thinks it helps build a strong and trusting relationship with her children, where they feel respected and heard. By treating her children as equals, she believes she can help them become independent, critical thinkers who can contribute to society in a positive manner.

Limited Candy

Mayim Bialik’s rule on candy consumption is all about moderation. She believes it’s okay for kids to indulge in sweets occasionally, but it should be limited. As a vegan, she encourages parents to look for healthier alternatives to candy, such as fruit snacks and natural sweets.

Instagram // @missmayim

According to her, teaching kids about healthy eating habits early on can help them make better choices as they grow up. Additionally, she suggests involving kids in cooking and preparing meals, as it can help them appreciate food and understand the importance of balanced nutrition.

Baby Slings

Mayim Bialik is a big advocate for using baby slings. She believes it’s a great way to bond with your baby and that it helps with their development. Baby slings provide a sense of security for babies, as they can feel the warmth and heartbeat of their caregiver, which in turn helps them to regulate their heart rate and breathing.

Grok Nation // Mayim Bialik

Baby slings also allow for hands-free carrying, making it easier for parents to move around while keeping their baby close. Mayim believes that using baby slings promotes attachment parenting and encourages parents to be more in tune with their baby’s needs.

Children Should Learn Basic Life Skills

Mayim Bialik believes children should learn essential life skills to become self-sufficient and independent. She teaches her children skills such as cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, and sewing, which are necessary for everyday life. Bialik believes these skills help children develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence.

Instagram // @missmayim

She also encourages her children to participate in household chores in order to teach them about teamwork and family contribution. Learning life skills also gives children a sense of pride and accomplishment, which can boost their self-esteem. Bialik believes that teaching these skills early on can benefit children in the long run and prepare them for adulthood.

No Trash Talk Allowed

Mayim Bialik believes in creating a positive and respectful environment for her family, so she has a strict rule against trash talk. No one can speak ill or negatively about another person, whether within the family or outside. This rule instills a sense of kindness and empathy in children and helps them understand the importance of treating others respectfully.

Instagram // @missmayim

Mayim believes that trash talk creates a hostile atmosphere and can be hurtful to others, which is why she strives to keep her home free from such behavior. This rule also teaches children to communicate effectively and constructively, without resorting to insults or negativity.

No Internet for Learning

Mayim Bialik believes in the power of books and hands-on learning experiences, as she doesn’t allow her children to rely on the internet for their education. Instead, she promotes the use of books and other traditional learning methods.

Instagram // @missmayim

While the internet may offer convenience, Bialik believes that relying too heavily on it can lead to a lack of critical thinking skills and dependence on technology. By encouraging her children to seek information through other means, she believes they will develop a more well-rounded understanding of the world around them.

Mom Can Be the Target of a Joke

Mayim Bialik encourages humor and light-heartedness in her family, and she believes it’s essential for everyone to laugh at themselves – including moms. Despite being a respected actress and author, Bialik doesn’t take herself too seriously and often shares funny stories and moments with her children.

Facebook // Mayim Bialik

By being able to joke around and have fun, Bialik believes that families can strengthen their bonds and create a more positive and happy environment at home. For Bialik, that includes being able to laugh at herself just as much as anyone else.

No Sugarcoating

Mayim Bialik believes in being honest with her children and not sugarcoating the realities of life. She thinks that if she shields them from the truth, they won’t be able to handle challenging situations in the future. She wants her children to learn to deal with the world as it is and not as they wish it would be.

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Mayim encourages open and honest communication with her children, even when discussing difficult or uncomfortable topics. Mayim hopes to raise empathetic and resilient individuals who are prepared to face life’s challenges. She does this by being truthful and transparent with her children.

Spiritual Enrichment

Mayim Bialik believes that spiritual enrichment is essential to her family’s life. She encourages her children to explore and discover their spirituality while she guides the way. For her, spiritual enrichment means connecting with oneself, others, and nature. She promotes mindfulness practices, such as meditation and yoga, and teaches her children about gratitude, kindness, and empathy.

Instagram // @missmayim

Bialik believes incorporating spirituality into daily life helps her family develop a sense of purpose, community, and inner peace. She also thinks it can be an excellent tool for managing stress and cultivating a positive outlook.

Quality Time Together

Mayim Bialik stresses the importance of spending quality time together as a family. With busy schedules and numerous distractions, families can easily spend less time together than they’d like. However, Bialik believes spending time together is essential for building strong relationships and creating happy memories.

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To ensure her family spends quality time together, Bialik schedules family activities and prioritizes them over other commitments. These activities could be as simple as going for a walk or having a game night at home. By setting aside time for these activities and making them a priority, Bialik ensures that her family stays connected and engaged with each other.

Laughter Is the Remedy

According to Mayim Bialik, laughter is the remedy for everything. She believes that laughter can heal almost anything and bring people closer together. Humor can relieve stress, improve communication, and create a positive environment. When families laugh together, they create a bond that lasts a lifetime.

Facebook // Mayim Bialik

Laughter can help children develop a sense of humor and a positive attitude. Mayim Bialik encourages families to enjoy everyday activities and not take things too seriously. Even in difficult times, finding humor and laughing together can be a powerful tool for overcoming challenges and strengthening relationships.

Choosing Battles Wisely

Choosing our battles wisely and focusing on issues genuinely worthy of our time and energy is vital. Mayim Bialik believes in this philosophy and applies it in her parenting approach. She prioritizes the battles that truly matter, such as promoting kindness, respect, and honesty in her children, while letting go of minor disagreements that don’t significantly impact their development.

Instagram // @missmayim

She fosters a healthy and positive environment where children can grow and learn. Parents must assess the situation and decide which battles are worth fighting for, and which can be let go.

No Physical Punishments

Physical punishments aren’t allowed in Mayim Bialik’s parenting philosophy. It means that physical discipline, such as spanking or hitting, is never used to correct behavior. Bialik believes using such methods can harm a child’s emotional well-being and lead to resentment and fear.

Twitter // @missmayim

Instead, she focuses on positive reinforcement and open communication with her children. By doing so, she hopes to build a strong, loving relationship with her children and guides them toward making good choices independently.

Positive Reinforcement Instead of Nagging

Mayim Bialik believes in being a zero-nagging mom. Instead of constantly reminding her children to do their chores or homework, she creates an environment where they feel motivated to do those things independently. She explains to her children the importance of responsibility and encourages them to take ownership of their tasks.

Grok Nation // Mayim Bialik

She teaches her children essential life skills, such as time management and accountability, by allowing them to be responsible for their actions. Bialik also believes in leading by example, as she holds herself accountable and takes responsibility for her actions instead of relying on others to remind her of her duties.

Hugs and Kisses Abound

Mayim Bialik believes in the power of physical touch between parents and children. She emphasizes the importance of hugs, kisses, and other forms of affection to create a loving and nurturing family environment. It also helps children feel more secure and connected to their parents. Bialik encourages parents to give their children physical affection freely, without any conditions or expectations.

Instagram // @missmayim

Even when a child is upset or misbehaving, a hug or a kiss can help to calm them down and make them feel loved. Overall, Bialik’s philosophy on physical touch is that it’s vital to a healthy and happy family dynamic.

On-Demand Parenting

Mayim Bialik believes in on-demand parenting, where everything happens when her children need it. From nursing to snuggles, she’s always available for her kids. She understands that children have their own pace and schedule, and she respects that.

Instagram // @missmayim

This approach also helps develop a child’s sense of independence and self-confidence as they learn to trust their instincts and make decisions for themselves. Mayim’s parenting style reinforces the idea that every child is unique and needs to be treated accordingly.

Positive Reinforcement

Mayim Bialik believes in positive discipline as a way of raising children. She emphasizes the importance of setting clear expectations and boundaries and communicating with children calmly and respectfully. She avoids yelling and punishment, instead opting for consequences related to the misbehavior.

(Left) Shutterstock // Kathy Hutchins | (Right) Instagram // @missmayim

She also encourages parents to understand the underlying reasons for their children’s misbehavior and address those root causes. Bialik emphasizes that positive discipline helps children develop self-control and learn to make better choices in the long term while maintaining a robust and healthy relationship with their parents.

Attachment Parenting

Mayim Bialik is a proponent of attachment parenting, a parenting philosophy emphasizing the importance of developing a strong emotional bond between parent and child. Bialik believes that attachment parenting promotes a sense of security, trust, and empathy in children, leading to more confident and independent adults.

Instagram // @groknation

She acknowledges that this approach may not be for everyone, but encourages parents to consider the benefits of nurturing a close bond with their child. Ultimately, Bialik believes that a strong attachment between parent and child is the foundation for a healthy and happy family.

Raising Environmentally Conscious Kids

Mayim Bialik advocates for the environment and wants her children to be environmentally conscious. She teaches her kids to recycle, conserve water, and reduce their carbon footprint by using public transportation. Bialik encourages her kids to use cloth napkins, reusable containers, and water bottles.

Instagram // @missmayim

She’s even eliminated plastic from her kitchen and switched to eco-friendly alternatives. She involves her children in gardening, composting, and donating clothes to people in need in order to promote sustainability. By instilling these values in her children at a young age, Bialik is leading her children to become responsible citizens who care about the environment.

Learning at Their Own Pace

Mayim Bialik emphasizes the importance of letting children learn at their own pace, regardless of homeschooling them. She believes every child is unique and has a way of learning, and it’s essential to understand and respect that.

Instagram // @missmayim

Bialik advocates for a personalized approach to education that allows children to explore and learn at their own pace, without the pressure of standardized tests and grades. This approach fosters a love of learning and encourages children to take ownership of their education, leading to a more prosperous and fulfilling educational experience.

Mom Is the Go-To Person

Mayim Bialik believes in being the primary caregiver for her children, including being the go-to person for any issues or concerns they may have. She encourages her kids to come to her for everything, even if it may be easier to go to their dad.

Groknation // Mayim Bialik

This approach fosters a strong bond between her and her children and ensures they feel heard and understood. It also helps the children develop a sense of trust and confidence in their mother. Mayim believes being present and available for her kids is crucial for their well-being and development.

Unconditional Love

Mayim Bialik believes unconditional love is one of the most important things parents can give their children. She believes in accepting and loving her children for who they are, no matter what. She doesn’t judge or criticize them and she creates an environment where they can feel safe and secure.

Blogspot // Shyandbrave

She believes unconditional love helps children build self-confidence, feel valued and respected, and grow into healthy and happy individuals. For Bialik, unconditional love means being there for her children through thick and thin and showing them that they’re loved and cherished, no matter what happens.