Willing to Free Yourself
As separations become more and more common, it’s also common to find single people with children from previous relationships. Lots of people like to call them “bonus children.” Some people don’t see them that way, though.

In fact, some people dislike them so much that they actually have the nerve to ask someone they don’t even know to get rid of them. Who knew children were as easily disposed of as that pack of moldy cheese in the back of the fridge?
Demeaning Partner Conversations
At some point in our lives, most of us have had a friend or partner who made us feel like a bag of number two. They constantly show off how smart and important they are, and how much they think you aren’t.

We’ve got to agree with Ella here. This kind of dynamic is not healthy and no one needs that type of energy in their lives. If you’ve got a partner like them, show them the door.
From Friend Zoning to Suing
The term “friend-zoned” is pretty problematic. It’s often used by people who are determined to pursue a romantic relationship with a partner who just doesn’t feel that way, and used as if the partner is the one in the wrong.

If someone doesn’t like you like that, then they don’t like you like that. It’s that simple. If this guy needed therapy over one person rejecting him, one has to wonder if he strayed into straight-up stalker territory.
That Ashley Energy
Have you ever had one too many adult beverages on a night out and sent some texts you later regretted, or called up an ex? Have you ever done it multiple times in a row? We bet Ashley here can top you.

Sorry, but there are seriously people out there who want someone to call them over 300 times in the wee hours of the morning? “Ashley energy” is more like obsessive energy, and that ain’t healthy.
Give Your Tummy the Phone
Some couples really take the cheesy side of rom-com movies to heart. They call each other nicknames like ‘cupcake’ and ‘sweetie pie,’ they send long love letters about the other person’s adorable ears, and they do stuff like this.

The intention behind this is sweet, but the execution is so cringy that we actually physically cringed. Let’s hope this is a conversation between 13-year-old partners and not actual adults. Maintaining this level of cheesiness must be exhausting.
No Women, Periodt
It’s perfectly natural to have preferences when it comes to a romantic partner. We want someone we find physically attractive, and also someone who we can connect with. But, there’s a difference between preferences and being picky.

So, what this ‘About’ section tells us is that this man just hates everyone and everything. What makes it hilarious is that he doesn’t even know the difference between woman and women. Good luck finding your extra-special partner, dude.
The Moment She Realized
No one enjoys fighting with their partner. It’s exhausting, and things are often said that shouldn’t have been. It’s usually a good idea to take some space to cool off after a fight, like this girl going to the store.

This sounds like a moment straight up out of a horror film. Who in their right mind hides under the bed to try and catch their partner? We’ll tell you who — no one. This guy was clearly not in his right mind.
Catfished by Your Own Partner
Some people are so worried about their partner cheating on them that they seem to look for or create situations where it could happen. Many use the internet to their advantage to do exactly that — like this girl did.

Well, that’s not the ending that we expected. He’s in the wrong for talking to other women, but she’s also in the wrong for going out of her way to try and “catch” him. Talk about a weird relationship dynamic!
Tired of Dating Broke Men
Dating as a parent can be hard, especially if you’re a single parent. You have to pay to hire a babysitter each time you go out, which adds up, but you have to decide if you’re willing to make that sacrifice.

It doesn’t seem like she’s looking for a partner. Instead, it sounds like she’s looking for free food and free childcare. Why should someone who has never even met her children pay for someone to take care of them?
First Tat, Let’s Go
If there’s one thing that 99% of the population knows you should never, ever do, it’s get someone’s name tattooed on you. As much as we like to think relationships are permanent, they often aren’t, yet tattoos definitely are.

Even worse is getting someone’s name tattooed on your face! What in the world was this person thinking? Nicole must be pretty dang amazing for him to want the whole world to see her name.
That Girl Is Trash
In relationships, we all have to accept that there will be things our partners like that we don’t. That doesn’t mean we’re entitled to control what they can and can’t do just because we don’t like it.

This partner straight-up stole his property, and not only did she do that, but she intentionally destroyed something that made her partner happy. You have to be an extremely selfish person to do something like that.
An Awkward Exchange
When partners break up, there’s often this awkward phase of returning each other’s belongings and eventually apologizing or refusing to admit to mistakes. This ex-boyfriend chose an apology, but not to the right person.

This is so confusing. Why would he apologize to an animal? And why did he feel the need to do 30 push-ups? We have a feeling this is a guy who would identify himself as an “alpha male.”
Didn’t Want to Go Anyway
When you’ve been in a relationship for awhile, running potential plans by your partner is the respectful thing to do. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons together and keep each other in the loop.

It’s not healthy for your partner to straight-up tell you that you can’t do something, though. Unless they were super broke and that’s why, she way overstepped. He needs to grow a pair and stand up to her!
A Good Loyal Woman
There’s never an excuse for cheating — and it’s never, ever the fault of the person who was cheated on. Unfortunately, though, there are some people out there who attempt to convince women that everything is their fault for not being good enough.

Our response to this is a big fat bolded, italicized, underlined “NO!” This could not be farther from the truth. Weak partners need to stop blaming women for them not staying monogamous. That girl needs to run away from him as fast as she can.
Sleeping Outside of Work
Separation anxiety is defined as “recurrent or excessive distress about anticipating or being away from home or from loved ones.” You mostly hear about it in pets, but it happens to some humans as well.

This isn’t separation anxiety, this is straight-up stalking. This is so not okay, and she really needs to get some help, because she can’t be doing things like this with her partners. It’s genuinely concerning.
“If We Got a Chance” Lists
A lot of people have a list. You know, that list — the one of celebrities you would have a very fun-filled night with if you could. At least, that’s how most people make those lists.

We sure hope that this is a joke, because anyone who makes lists like that knows darn well it’s supposed to be people that you would never actually meet — not people in your day-to-day life, especially if one of them is your boyfriend’s sibling!
Tricked Into Dating and Marriage
Everyone wants to have that meet-cute story about finding their spouse in a coffee shop, or a bookstore, or bumping into them while walking down a busy street. But, what if it were all a lie?

This poor woman was going through some scary stuff. It must be devastating to find out that someone you love and care about could do something like this and manipulate your feelings. We hope she got the help she needed.
Unintelligent Twitter Humor
Some people get irrationally angry over weird things. It may be smacking food, or the way someone arranges the dishwasher. In this case, it was a partner’s style of humor on Twitter. He had a meltdown over a tweet?

How old was this boyfriend, two years old? Toddlers have meltdowns, not grown men. Thank goodness she said “used to date,” because this guy’s off his rocker. He’s probably just jealous that his tweets never get that many likes.
You’re My Bully
Despite what many seem to think, bullying isn’t limited to schools. Parents can be bullies, as can bosses, teachers, and even our own partners. It’s a serious issue no matter your age.

This doesn’t sound like love. This sounds like a bully who found a doormat. Sure, he seems happy now, but bullying is never okay — especially not in a marriage. He’ll get sick of it eventually and they’ll head straight to a divorce.
A Custom-Made Spotify Playlist
In the olden days, partners would make their SO a mixed tape. Then, it shifted to burning CDs for them. Now, it’s making them their own playlist on Spotify. No matter the decade, love has been expressed through music.

It’s cute that she still thinks that he actually made the playlist for her in the first place. She probably wasn’t the first girl he convinced and she definitely won’t be the last. But hey, if it works…
Emotionally Unavailable Parents
Being emotionally unavailable refers to a person’s inability or unwillingness to share their emotions with others. This can manifest as a lack of empathy, difficulty forming close relationships, and a tendency to withdraw from emotional situations.

It’s hard enough to deal with it, but to be a parent with these issues leaves an everlasting impact on your kids, as this person shows. Hopefully, they’ve since grown to accept receiving love from others.
So Ready to Go Home
Picture this — you’re on a girls trip far, far away from home — when suddenly your partner calls you because they can’t handle their own children. It sounds ridiculous, right? Well, apparently it’s not.

Isn’t marriage a partnership? Odds are she’s spent plenty of time alone taking care of all three children, yet he’s making her take a 12-hour flight home because he can’t manage it? Sounds like a pretty weak partnership.
Hope Your Life Goes Well
When you’re dating someone for a long time, you often become like another member of their family. So when you break up with that person, you’re breaking up with their family as well.

Like the bitter ex, there are also bitter ex-families, and that’s what this poor person experienced. Imagine someone’s mom being so obsessed with you that they feel the need to send them this message insulting them with the sarcastic “hope your life goes well” at the end.
The Worst Text Ever
Some people really struggle with flirting. Maybe they don’t know the right thing to say, or maybe they’re really shy or very socially awkward. Whatever it is, don’t ever show up in someone’s DMs with a message like this.

Has this line ever actually worked out for him, or is everyone’s response similar to this person’s? This is like people who threaten to do bad things if their partner leaves them, but he exposed that side of him early on enough for this gal to see flaming red flags.
Today’s Most Predictable News
You know that expression “dodged a bullet?” There are a lot of former relationships that it applies to — relationships where one partner had some serious issues and the other is lucky to have gotten away before it was too late.

Imagine feeling like it’s perfectly acceptable to go to these lengths to manipulate an ex into contacting you. What did she expect to happen, that he’d find out it wasn’t real but want to get back together with her anyway?
Worth More Than That
There are way too many people in the world who hold onto people that they don’t really like because they want to have a backup plan. This involves stringing said person along even though they don’t really want to be with them.

It’s so messed up to just casually rub into someone’s face that you aren’t that interested in them and are actively going on other dates. Thank goodness the other person stood up for themselves and put their foot down.
From Awe to Disgust
Pregnancy is hard on a woman’s body, and the process of giving birth isn’t a pretty one. The body is under a lot of stress, and women can’t really control what happens.

This woman carried two babies inside of her for nine months, gave birth to them, and has now been completely abandoned by her partner over something so ridiculous that it would make anyone’s chin drop with shock. She deserves someone who doesn’t act like a baby themselves.
Don’t Speak Tide Pod
If you’re a smart, educated person, you don’t need to pretend to be so and make others feel bad about themselves. Only insecure people trying to give off a certain image do that, like this person.

What does “speak Tide Pod” even mean? And does this person think that ‘lol’ is an actual word and not an abbreviation in and of itself? Get out of here with that nonsense, man. Being rude doesn’t mean you’re well-educated.
Wasting His Power Words
Sometimes, there’s nothing better than the people we care about telling us how wonderful we are. We all need that support to get through tough days, but some people become too dependent on it.

It’s natural for children to need lots of reassurance from the adults in their lives. It’s not natural for a man to be so obsessed with reassurance that he faults his girlfriend for supporting people who aren’t him.
Doesn’t Mean Anything She Says
Proper communication is often one of the biggest hurdles in a relationship. Partners have different communication styles, and some people — for some reason or another — don’t know how to or refuse to communicate at all.

If you don’t mean anything you say, then what’s the point of saying it? Unless your boyfriend has the superpower of reading minds, it’s irrational to expect him to know how you’re feeling if you won’t communicate properly.
Very Helpful Information
When one partner in a relationship is making significantly more money than the other, it’s normal for them to take on a bigger share of the expenses. But, it’s not okay for the other partner to mooch off of them.

This guy is such a jerk! He had absolutely no sympathy for her situation, but rather hinted about her buying him an expensive car he definitely doesn’t need, unlike her life-saving insulin.
The End of a Streak
Social media apps are clever. They add more and more features to make you feel the need to use them more often. One of those is Snapchat streaks, where you get a special streak the more often you snap with someone.

Honestly, this is pretty pathetic. Sure, it’s natural to feel disappointed when you’ve worked at something like this, but crying over it for days points to some deeper issues going on. Social media isn’t the whole world.
No More Lazy Answers
Dating apps are frustrating. There are many people saying they’re looking for a serious partner, but really they just want a one-night stand. Others say creepy things and make people uncomfortable.

Then, there are those with lazy answers like Mike here. If only he had known that he had to write a novel about a specific meal for her to be happy with him, he would have probably tried a bit harder. It probably wasn’t worth it, though.
Just Leave it at This
Sometimes, we reach a point where we just can’t continue a relationship. It’s best to let the partner know and move on, knowing you did the best that you could.

Well, so much for all of those empty threats before! This person seems to be willing to drop everything to cook chicken for the person they supposedly don’t want to hear from. Must be some good fried chicken.
Not a Piggy Bank?
Look, we’re not going to get into this guy agreeing to raise another man’s baby (because, honestly, that happens all the time, and it’s fine). But what really bothers us is that he set up some pretty clear boundaries, even if we don’t necessarily agree with them.

His girlfriend, however, clearly didn’t respect that and continued to nag him about it… This guy later on shared that the baby daddy accused them of ruining his life. Basically, since this guy asked this on “Am I the Jerk,” the only answer we have is that everyone (except the baby) seriously sucks here.
Just Don’t Wear Makeup
There are a lot of different reasons that women wear makeup, but it’s not often that one of them is to impress potential romantic partners. More likely, it’s simply because they like how they look with it on.

It’s sad that this woman’s friend seems to think she would only wear makeup to look good for the friend’s boyfriend, or she’s just so insecure about her own looks that she’s projecting her issues onto other women.
He’ll Treat You Better
There’s nothing worse than seeing someone who’s already in a relationship pining over another person. It makes you wonder why they don’t just break up with their current partner as it’s so disrespectful.

This person responded as politely as they possibly could, and he really had the nerve to not only say “don’t bring her up” but to say he’d treat them better? That’s not exactly a great way to convince someone you like that you’re trustworthy.
Cute Boy From Bar
Some men just can’t handle the idea that there are women out there who aren’t interested in them and don’t want to pursue something with them. They get weirdly passive-aggressive, like Mason here did.

This guy is making a lot of assumptions, one of them being that the person liked him. But, to then send the exact same message is just weird and pushy. It sounds like his person made the right choice in not dancing with him!
Creeping Through His Friends List
A common behavior on social media that’s really toxic is creeping through someone’s friends’ list, or worse, stalking who is liking their photos. It’s an invasion of their privacy and an easy way to brew mistrust in a relationship.

Why wouldn’t this person be on her husband’s friends list, and why is she going through her husband’s friends list messaging random people? All signs point to a nosy, controlling partner.
Knew What He Signed Up For
Anyone who has watched Friends or Firefly Lane knows what codependent friendships look like. The characters in both shows rely on each other way too much and have little to no boundaries — not even healthy ones.

This sounds like a genuine concern from her husband, not insecurity, and she left out a lot of information — like how she reacted to Anna’s confession and whether their dates are actual real dates. Everything about this is fishy.
Not Accountable to Some Guy
Life gets busy and people take a while to text back or don’t text back at all. It’s a natural occurrence, and it’s also natural for those we are talking to to check in to see if we’re okay.

If he had been blowing up her phone, then sure, he was being pushy — but he sent one message trying to be polite. It sure seems like she overreacted to someone simply trying to check in with a person they were interested in.
You Don’t Exist
Our birth certificates are one of those documents that we all know is important, but none of us can remember exactly which random paperwork box it’s filed away in since we hardly ever actually need it.

This girl did her boyfriend a favor, really. Now, he’ll never have to wonder where his birth certificate is hidden away. Not only that, he doesn’t even have to think about anything, since, well, he doesn’t exist.
Setting Healthy Boundaries
Something that has become somewhat trendy lately (but with very good reason) is learning how to set boundaries. Whether it’s with a romantic partner, a friend, or a family member, we all need to learn how to say no.

We doubt he’s the only one wondering why they’re like this. There’s a difference between knowing how to forgive others and letting others walk all over you. It’s tough to know which way you’re leaning.
Romanticizing Every Interaction
When we’re in the early stages of falling for someone, many of us not only fail to recognize red flags that come up, but we also create “signs” where there aren’t actually any.

It’s so important to know how to read other people, their body language, and their emotions. So many people could avoid heartbreak if they could just break out of the fantasy bubble in their heads and actually pay attention to how the other person is behaving.
Birds in the Bushes
We’ve all heard of people who “love the chase” when it comes to finding a romantic partner. They’re the ones who want mind games and who thrive on trying to gain someone’s attention, just to shrug it off once they have it.

It’s pretty scary that this has over 970,000 likes. We have so many questions. Where did she get so many dead birds? Why did he not wonder why birds kept slamming into his window? How do people get like this?
He’ll Never Forgive Her
Somehow, we as a society have managed to convince ourselves that women don’t do perfectly natural things — like grow armpit and leg hair, fart, or do number twos. It feeds this weird obsession over what is and isn’t “ladylike.”

Someone let this woman know that she isn’t married to a man, but rather a manchild. They look like normal men, but they have the maturity level of a five-year-old boy and can’t understand that women are human.
If there’s one experience all human beings share yet we all wish that we didn’t, it’s exhausting relationships. Sometimes, our partner says mean things — other times, they’re too attached. Then, there are the times when they’re just plain toxic. We’ve all been there, and we can prove it with this compiled list of screenshots found online that show that relationships may not always be as great as they seem.